Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My New Years Resolution

At the beginning of every year, millions of people, around the world, make New Year's resolutions. I will be sharing two New Year's resolutions of my own.   Both of my resolutions apply to school.
My first resolution is to be more organized. Whenever I need something important and I try looking for it in my room or my locker, I can never find it. I end up finding my things months later.  I want to work on this so that I can find my things the minute I need it.  One way I think I can get better at this is put my work away the moment I finish it, instead of waiting for a pile of items to put away.

My second resolution is to work harder on school work. I always try to work hard during activities but maybe I need to work a little harder and get better at it. Whenever I am told that I will be having a quiz or test, I wait till the last few days to study, when everyone else probably started studying 5 days before.  Even if I do get a good grade on it, I didn't spend time working hard on it and it is always harder for me to remember the information.

Over the break, I went ice skating at Sunway Pyramid with my family and my friends. I skated around that rink.  It was my second time and I was slow and scared.  At the end of the trip, I was used to skating and it was quite fun, but I wish I had realized that before I even got on the rink.  Sunway Pyramid is so large that finding a specific restaurant proved to be like a scavenger hunt in a maze - it was really complicated.

Overall, I had a wonderful holiday and I'm ready to get back into schoolwork, full speed, with my New Year's resolutions to keep me on track. 

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