Monday, August 16, 2010


If I were a social scientist, out of the three choices I would be an archaeologist.
 I would be an archaeologist  because I always like studying about it and I think it is a very interesting social scientist. I would really like to go on an adventure like Indiana Jones would. He has to find treasure and other awesome things like glass cups. He has to guess passages and other stuff. He has to find out all the important things about that artifact.

  I sometimes act like an archaeologist in my daily life. One time in Redang, I found pieces of plates that came off one of the ship wrecks in the early 1600. They were worth a lot of money. When I found the pieces of plates I felt like an Archaeologist.  If I were an archaeologist I would want to dig up treasure or a lost city. Also one time in Cambodia I found thick plates. My grandpa said that they were from a long long time ago because they were thicker then every day plates. Also one time in Washington D.C. I was digging in my backyard because I had just seen Indiana Jones for the first time. I found cups that looked over one hundred years old. Probably not, but I was still really surprised. They were a mix of brown and grey mabye from all the dirt. It was amazing to think about all the facts like where it is from, who it is from, how old is it, what does it mean, why is it here, did someone lose it, should I keep it burried and more.

These times in my life are out of one hundred times. I hope that when I am older I can say many more times in my life that relate to an archaeologists job. That is why I chose an archaeologist.

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