Friday, September 3, 2010

What do artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?

Artifacts tell us many different things about early humans.  Early humans loved art.  They carved things into stone and painted on walls. These images depict their everyday lives and these art pieces were used in their spiritual rituals as well.

The first painting is called  Cave Painting of Animals. This painting has lots of  animals on it such as horses and bison. Whoever painted this could have used it to honor spirits. He or she also could have used it to capture the magical powers of certain animals.

Another painting is called Cave Painting of Shapes and Hand Prints. This was found in Argentina. The hand prints are very tiny because the early humans were also very tiny. The hand prints could have been the artist's way of signing their picture.  It also could have been used for rituals.

The third artifact I really enjoyed is called Clay Sculptures.  It had two cracked buffalo standing next to a rock with sort of a blue glow in the background.  These sculptures could have belonged to a certain clan.  They also could have been used for ceremonies held deep inside the cave.

By examining the artifacts, we can all learn a little bit more about the early humans and all the painting and sculptures they made.  We can take a peek into the day to day lives of these early humans and see what they held sacred by seeing what they may have used in their rituals.

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